Confessions of A Beauty Blogger Tag

Confessions of a beauty blogger

I was tagged by Joy from Styled With Joy and thought this would be really fun to do. This is my first tag post I think, and I’m pretty excited about it :) Joy and I have followed each other’s blogs for a while now and I enjoy reading her posts, especially her reviews. She’s so honest with them and I find that I can rely on her recommendations! She also has a fabulous make up and brush collection (heehee!). If you are curious about her answers, you can read about them here.

1. When did you start your blog?

My first post was on the 21st January 2015.

2. Why did you start a blog?

These are in my About section, but basically I enjoy sharing makeup looks and fashion styles and I want to be able to chat about these with like-minded people, so I thought a blog would be a great way for me to do that.

3. When did you start becoming serious about starting a blog?

I guess it would be right at the start. I’m not someone who would start on something half heartedly so once I decided to start a blog, I took a long time with my blog name and layout to make sure they’re up to my standards. I eventually also set up a gmail for my blog to appear more professional :)

4. How many hours a week do you spend planning/writing/uploading posts?

That depends on what I’m writing about. On average a post takes me about an hour to write. If it’s a review I will need to plan what photos I need and I usually take the photos on the weekend mornings when lighting is the best and when I’m free to do so. If it’s a haul then photos won’t take much time but they’ll still only be taken on the weekends. Photo-editing does not take long at all since I only add a watermark and resize them and all lighting adjustments are done on my phone (yes I take my pictures using my phone camera :D)

5. What has been your biggest challenge about blogging?

I guess it’s to juggle the preparation work and writing with my work and personal life. Some days I feel like I “need” to post something but I have not taken the photos, or may have missed out one or two shots and have to wait till the weekend again.

6. When is it easiest for you to write your posts?

I prefer to write my posts on Friday or Saturday nights, or Sunday afternoons.

7. What makes writing posts comfortable for you?

Since my blog is my personal space, I can be myself and let my personality show through my writing. I’m someone who takes time to formulate what I have to say before I actually say them so I prefer writing over explaining over Youtube. Writing is better for me anyway because I’m so awkward in front of the camera and I don’t know how to edit videos haha.

8. Where do you see your blog in one year?

Hopefully I would have improved on my photo-taking skills, made many more new friends and that my blog would be a lively place with lots of beauty conversations going between my readers :)

9. What is the most rewarding thing to you about blogging?

Knowing that there are people who are actually interested in what I have to say! There’s so much support from this community and people do appreciate the effort you put into publishing a post.

10. What’s your worst makeup/hair habit?

I don’t use q-tips to correct my makeup mistakes. I simply wipe them using my fingers or tissues…. I know it’s so terribly lazy of me! >< I don’t think I have a hair habit, but I dislike blow drying my hair.

11. What’s one quote you wish the world would live by?

Do to others what you would have them do to you. I think that is a wholly emcompassing one that spans respect, courtesy, honesty etc etc.

12. How long do you spend getting ready everyday?

During the week it’ll be 40 minutes – Brushing teeth, washing face, putting on skincare, changing into work clothes, makeup and quick comb of my hair.

On weekends before I head out, I set aside an hour usually and that includes shower time :)

13. What’s your favorite post on your blog?

Ah that’s like asking me to choose my favourite child! >< I enjoyed writing all of them but if I really had to pick one I’d think it’ll be my haul posts. Always gets me so excited writing them up.

14. Who is a beauty blogger that you think deserve more subscribers that they have?

This is difficult, every blogger puts in a lot of effort into their posts so I don’t think there’s one who is more deserving than another. And it’s not really about the numbers, the most important thing is that you’re having fun blogging!

15. What’s one thing you’re excited about in the coming year?

The autumn/winter looks I will be experimenting with when the weather is colder! Also I’m going to Japan in June for two weeks so I’m super excited for that!

16. What has been your favorite blogging moment?

Hehe I think when I got about 10 followers I was like, wow! 10 people actually enjoy reading my posts and want to see more! I didn’t think I would get 10 follows, let alone the 100+ I have now :D

17. How long does it take to prep for a post?

This sounds like a repeat of Qn 4. I would say about 2-3 hours for a review post, from swatching and photo-taking to writing the actual post.

18. Are you wearing jeans/ skirt right now or are you wearing pajama bottoms?

I’m wearing pajama bottoms! Sooo comfy :)

With that, I would like to tag the following bloggers:

Ashleigh, The Beauty Addict

Making It Up

One Girl’s Obsession


Doves and Roses


Edit: I would like to open this tag to anyone who is interested in doing this. It was pretty fun answering the questions and I’d love for more people to have fun doing it too :) I think it’ll also be a great way for me to learn more about my readers if any of you does this tag!


30 thoughts on “Confessions of A Beauty Blogger Tag

  1. StyledWithJoy says:

    Thank you for the kind words in your intro. You’re so sweet! I’m really happy you decided to do this post. It was fun reading your answers. There’s so much more that goes into blogging that readers who don’t blog don’t necessarily know and this tag helps to show that!

    • hunnybunnysoph says:

      Hehe this was a really fun tag to do so thank you for tagging me in the first place! I know right, can you imagine how much more work it’ll be for the vloggers?? I can’t imagine people who expect them to be uploading a new video every other day.

    • hunnybunnysoph says:

      Hehe yeah they are! And less prep than a normal post too :P Please feel free to do this tag too if you’re interested in it! I should probably change it to an open tag :)

  2. Julllla says:

    I absolutely love this!! :) I adored how I could sense your sincerity in your answers…. I love reading your blog so much and you’re doing so amazing! Lots of love xoxo

    • hunnybunnysoph says:

      Aww Julla!! You’re the sweetest! Hehe thank you for being such a loyal reader of my blog :D Please feel free to do this tag too if you’re interested! I’m gonna open up the tag so everyone can have fun too! :) xx

      • Julllla says:

        Aaaah of course love! I really, truly love your blog and I’ll always support you! I loved this tag, so I may just do it! :) Thank you so much!! I hope you have a lovely day! xxxxx

  3. Anne says:

    Such a great tag!! Japan sounds like such an amazing place to visit, I am sure you will have loads of fun.
    Thanks for the nomination, I am terribly behind on tags/awards but this one sounds like a lot of fun so I will try to sneak it in there!
    xxx Anne –

    • hunnybunnysoph says:

      You’re welcome Anne! :) Hehe yeah this is still a pretty long one though, I had to answer half of it and come back to the rest another time LOL. I’ll definitely take lots of photos in Japan and share them on my blog! xx

  4. ashleighthebeautyaddict says:

    Thank’s for the tag hun! I’m very excited as it is my first tag post also :) I was lucky to actually see this (I read all of your post’s hehe) I’m not sure if wordpress should have notified me or not but it certainly didn’t :P

    • hunnybunnysoph says:

      Aw thanks so much Ashleigh!! You have such a great blog I’m so honoured that you read all of mine too :D Yeah I sometimes dont get notifications for tags too. I think I was supposed to let you knw on your blog though but I haven’t got to it :O

      • ashleighthebeautyaddict says:

        Oh your so kind hun, thank you so much ♥ Well hopefully I will get notified in the future so I don’t miss anything ;P I love how honest you are which is why I cant help but read everything hehe. I’m going to do the post now . Easter was so distracting!

      • hunnybunnysoph says:

        Aww I’m really happy to hear that! Haha ikr, I went for a road trip and am still kind of adjusting back to the normal routine. I hope you had a wonderful Easter break! :) xx

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